
Fertility Solutions Practitioners

Fertility Solutions practitioners specialise in both male and female infertility and other areas of women's health and wellbeing.  All practitioners have trained with renowned fertility specialist Tracy Holloway.

A free initial consultation is given by practitioners to help them assess if the Fertility Solutions programme is suitable for the client.  This is a time where the practitioner gathers information and also a time where clients can ask questions and find out more about the programme without obligation.

The Fertility Solutions programme works exactly the same over the phone as it does face to face and so can be taken through regular telephone sessions or by visiting a practitioner.  Some practitioners prefer to work face to face with clients, others by phone - both ways are equally effective and so it really is down to the client's personal preference and sometimes geographical whereabouts.

A fertility programme designed for you

Once the client and practitioner ascertain that the programme is suitable then an initial 6 week programme is set.  After the 6 weekly sessions the client will notice considerable change in thoughts and feelings and a reassessment will be scheduled for 3 months – giving the body time to adjust to the changes and giving chance for conception to take place.  If the practitioner and the client agree that there are more areas of difficulty which need to be addressed to achieve a successful pregnancy then they will schedule time to resolve these issues.  If particular herbs and remedies are being used, perhaps for regulating the hormones or for PCOS or endometriosis, then a longer period before trying to conceive will be advised.

The whole person fertility programme takes into consideration such things as diet, exercise, relationship issues and sexual dysfunction, and therefore clients will be advised by their practitioner which supplements, relaxation CDs, affirmations, herbs and remedies are required to help resolve any of these difficulties as easily as possible.

As each person is unique it isn't possible to say exactly what will take place in each session but the skills of the practitioners will help the client gently bring forward emotional issues that have been buried, and using various techniques will help release these issues and prepare the mind and body ready for conception.

Train to become a Fertility Solutions practitioner